Web Development

did You Know?

Whether you’re considering a website upgrade or a full-blown overhaul,
here are some statistics that might prove helpful in the process:

With technologies like Machine Learning, Artificial Intelligence (AI), Data Science, and more rising day by day in terms of need and use, they can immensely help in the field of Web Development, thereby increasing the opportunities for Web Developers.

0 %
48% of people believe that a website’s design determines a business’s credibility
0 %
38% of visitors will stop engaging with a website that has an unattractive layout
0 %
62% of companies increased sales by designing responsive mobile platforms
0 %
Increasing website loading time can prevent 7% of lost potential conversions

We turn your website into an effective way to engage with your audience and a high-performing marketing tool for your business.

Having an effective website is only one component of your digital marketing strategy. You wouldn’t try pitching a tent with one pole; the same goes with digital marketing. If you want to see results from your digital efforts, you need to think beyond your website.

Frontend Versus Backend

Frontend design

“Frontend” refers to any aspect of the design process that appears in or relates directly to the browser. The following tasks are commonly considered to be frontend

  • Graphic design and image production
  •  Interface design
  •  Information design as it pertains to the user’s experience of
    the site
  • HTML document and style sheet development
  •  JavaScript

Backend development

“Backend” refers to the programs and scripts that work on the server behind the scenes to make web pages dynamic and interactive. In general, backend web development falls in the hands of experienced programmers, but it is good for all web
designers to be familiar with the backend functionality. The following tasks take place on the backend:

  • Information design as it pertains to how the information is
    organized on the server
  • Forms processing
  • Database programming
  • Content management systems
  • Other server-side web applications using PHP, JSP, Ruby,
    ASP.NET, Java, and other programming languages

Why does it matters?

Mobile View

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WordPress Development

The benefits of WordPress are many—there are thousands of free plugins and themes. Plugins help with everything from SEO to Social Media Sharing and themes allow you to customize the look/feel of your WordPress website with minimal (if any) graphic design and programming experience. 

Responsive Website Design

 A website framework that hides, shrinks, moves, and adjusts the content on your website depending on what device your visitor is reading on (a smartphone, tablet, laptop, or desktop). Ultimately, it makes sure your site is easily viewed on any device and maximizes your visitor’s user experience.

Mobile Website Development

Simple mobile Web applications limit the use of RIA technologies and are designed to present information in a readable, action-oriented format. Mobile Web applications differ from mobile native applications, in that they use Web technologies and are not limited to the underlying platform for deployment.

E-commerce website Development

We help our clients set up and run their online business with real-time credit card processing and secure online transactions. Online Shopping has seen considerable growth in the last few years and e-commerce can provide huge sales potential for your business.